
One question Realtors are often asked is, “Is it a good time to buy?”, or, “Is it a good time to invest?” The answer to both is “yes.” “Well,” you say. Read More

West Plano’s $3 billion Legacy West development has landed another big name business. Aerospace giant Boeing will locate the headquarters for its newly formed global services division in the 250-acre mixed-use... Read More

Spring is in the air and homebuyers are coming out of hibernation. With the holidays over and the weather warming up, it’s the time of year that’s typically considered a hot period for... Read More

Homeowners often ask if certain home improvements or investments will increase the value of their home (kitchen, flooring, swimming pool, etc.). The reality is that a house is worth what a buyer is willing to... Read More

You’ve got a contract on your home for sale—congratulations! But before you pop the cork on the champagne, you’ve got to go through an ordeal that could make or break that sweet deal:... Read More

Once you’ve taken all the steps to prepare for buying a home, you’re ready to begin the house hunt. But what happens when you realize there’s not much to look at? Finding few... Read More

A tower going up just north of Toyota’s new headquarters on State Highway 121 isn’t another office high-rise or hotel. It’s a vertical automobile dealership where customers will take delivery of their vehicles... Read More

Does anyone who is not from the other side of the galaxy really need to ask, “What is a bedroom?” Actually, yes. Welcome to the nuances of real estate speak, where not everything... Read More

The joys of homeownership are many: Your own house is a place to make sweet memories, build a financial nest egg, and whittle down your tax bill. Wait, what? Yep, it’s true: Your... Read More

Day Light Saving Time and Real Estate Dan Sexton Real Estate·Tuesday, March 7, 2017... Read More