5 Tips for Watering Your North Texas Lawn

by rmears

A beautiful, well-manicured lawn is a source of great pride for many homeowners. Maintaining a healthy lawn takes work and hours of TLC, including regular watering, cutting, and laying down fertilizer. A lawn that’s cared for shows that you take pride in your home’s appearance. And all that curb appeal can really pay off when it comes time to sell your house. Here are five watering tips to help ensure that your Dallas lawn stands up to the North Texas elements — and to the scrutiny of your neighbors.

1. Pay Attention to Frequency.

Most grass types need just an inch of water per week, according to Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas. That water can be delivered as 1 inch just once during the week or as half an inch twice during the week, depending on local watering restrictions. Keep in mind that bermuda and zoysia grasses need half as much water as St. Augustine grass.

2. Don’t Drown Your Lawn.

Applying water too rapidly causes runoff, as grass can absorb only so much water at a time, TCEQ says. When runoff happens, soil, fertilizers and pesticides can wind up in nearby waterways. Also, over-irrigation can push nutrients deep into the soil and away from plant roots.

3. Watch the Clock.

Water early in the morning, before 10 a.m., TCEQ recommends. Watering from midmorning to late afternoon can cause one-third of your water to evaporate. Also, avoid watering in the evening, as lawns left wet overnight are more susceptible to diseases.

4. Take a Gander at the Grass.

Monitor your lawn for signs of stress, such as wilting and discoloration, TCEQ says. When you first spot wilting, you’ve got 24 to 48 hours to act before your lawn is seriously damaged.

“The key to watering lawns is to apply water infrequently, yet thoroughly. This creates a deep, well-rooted lawn that efficiently uses the water that is stored in the soil,” TCEQ says.

5. Don’t Mow Wet Grass.

Mowing wet grass is another mistake many homeowners make. The moisture will weigh the grass blades down and make it difficult to get a clean, straight cut. The wet clippings will also clump up and make your lawn look uneven. You should also refrain from mowing your lawn in the same direction every time; otherwise, you’ll end up creating grooves in the grass.

Published on 2018-06-01 16:42:47